This emphasis on their website is undoubtedly a double-edged sword for the organisation.
I did a search of 'Jehovahs Witnesses' and 'Jehovah's Witnesses" in Google, and 3 or 4 apostate websites show up on the very first search results page. (The link to this forum was on the next page).
One of those sites is, John Cedars site. I recently saw an active JW's tablet (a relative) and it had a logo of JWSurvey on the homepage!! (mistakenly or deliberately, I'm not sure. This person is an active, baptised JW who I've never heard criticise them.)
The Wikipaedia article is at the very top of the page. It has some strong criticism of JW's on it (also strongly defended) and links to an article focusing specifically on criciticsm of the organisation LOL.
Wikipaedia is not an apostate website! No JW can be criticised for reading Wikipaedia.
Reading the Wikipaedia article 'Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses' will be irresistible to many JW's, especially younger ones and 'interested ones'. While this article may not convince a JW they are in a false religion, it can easily have the effect of making them a much less confident Jehovah's Witness with seeds of doubt planted, tipping them into being a perfunctory JW that just goes through the motions.